Goal Review
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Alright I know, at almost the end of March I'm a little behind on my goal review. But in my own defense, since my goals weren't really all that exciting I kinda forgot. Oh well, better late than never.
January/February Goals
- Ride more!
- Success! I have been riding Miss every week, and riding Kaye fairly often again.
- Begin to develop a show schedule
- Success again! Tentative 2011 Show Schedule is up! Of course it will probably change many times before all is said and done.
- Start to budget for said show schedule
- Well, didn't so much happen. Of course I don't really like to think about finances (or lack there of) so that's probably why I avoided this goal.
So the next logical step will be my March/April goals...
March/April Goals
- Start jumping
- Start riding Twinkie and Naughtie
- Work on developing my own fitness
- Budget for 2011 show season
- Study for PHR certification
I know you all are reading this and going "huh? PHR certification, what's that?" I've talked on here before about my job at Pitt. I'm basically in an entry level HR job in benefits and it's going nowhere. With state budget appropriations the way they are things aren't going to get any better. It's time to seriously look for other opportunities. I like working for the University, really I do. But I need to do what's best for me, and at this point I really think that's going to be in the private sector. I need all the help I can get though. And the Professional in Human Resources certification will do that for me. And even better, Pitt will reimburse me for the cost if I pass on the first try. Which will be a big help as it's a $300 exam. I'm scheduled to take the exam on June 23rd. So I've got some serious studying to do before then. And I need to keep it on my goals list even if it is non-horsey to encourage me to keep up with the studying. You know how much I like to cross those goals off my list!
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