New Year, New Goals

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

After reviewing my goals a few days ago I starting thinking about my goals for this year.  I feel like I have come so far in my riding the last few years and yet sometimes it feels like there is still so far to go.  But I guess that's just how this sport goes.  You are constantly learning.  So without further ado, my 2012 goals

2012 Goals

  • Once again my confidence issues are number one on my goals list.  This is one of those things where I know I have made huge progress, But I still have that mental block in certain areas.  So, we'll just keep chipping away at it.
  • Work on First and Second Level Dressage with Bugsy.  The jumping part is easy, I just have to point him at the fence and stay on.  Dressage is the hard part, and I want to do it right.
  • Ride a variety of horses-Naughtie, Airy, Twinkie, Mystic, Buddy, etc.
  • Qualify for the AECs.  Even if I can't afford to go, I at least want to be qualified.
  • Use every opportunity I can to improve my riding and knowledge.

January/February Goals

  •   Work on laterals with Bugsy-leg yield, half pass, shoulder in, haunches in, etc.
  • Work with Mystic to improve his suppleness and bending, get him responding to my leg and inside aids.
  • Keep the ponies happy in the cold weather.
  • Renew memberships-USEA, USEF and USDF.
  • Plan a show schedule.


2011 Goal Review

Friday, January 6, 2012

Hard to believe that 2011 is over already.  Although some great things have come from 2011, there have been some pretty rough lows too.  Here's to hoping 2012 is a better year.  But before we can completely shut the book on 2011, it's time to see how I fared on accomplishing my goals.

November/December Goals
  • Continue First Level work with Bugsy
    • Success!  We're still learning, well I'm still learning, but we're getting there.  I've started to get the shoulder in and half pass.  The haunches in still needs some work and we've gotten some decent extensions at the trot.
  • Start jumping again
    • Success!  I haven't done much jumping.  But there have been a couple of jump schools, including a very fun one with Kaye.
  • Continue to work with the "babies"
    • Well the babies went to Tammy's in November, so I haven't had much opportunity to work with them.
  • Build up my own fitness
    • I'll be honest, I haven't really done as much with this as I'd like.
  • Ride Naughtie, Airy and X
    • Well I didn't ride Naughtie as she needs her feet done.  But I did ride Airy and X.  And I started riding Buddy and Mystic.
  • Find a way to balance my time with D and the barn    
    • Success!  I've been much better about splitting up my time and getting equal time with both.

Not too bad for the end of the year.  As for my overall goals for 2011, well honestly it's been a while since I looked at them and I found that a lot don't apply to me anymore.

2011 Goals
  • Continue to push my boundaries with my own confidence issues
    • Success!  Again I know this is something I will struggle with for the rest of my life.  But this year I have really made a lot of progress.  I'm riding horses that I wouldn't have gotten on before.  Bugsy can try his nastiest bucks and I just laugh at him.  I still need to work on becoming more confident over fences.  But we are getting there.
  • Move up to Training level with Kaye
    • Well, as much as I would like to be able to check this one off the list, the reality is I stopped riding Kaye.  And that's ok.  I will get to training level someday.  Just not with Kaye and not this year.
  • Work on dressage with Kaye.  Become solid at First Level, schooling Second Level
    • See above.  Although I did work on some first level dressage movements in the first part of the year when I was still riding her, we never moved beyond that.  
  • Rehab Miss-keep her in work for as long as she wants/is comfortable
    • Well, even though my Baby Girl is no longer with me I can still count this as a success.  Miss stayed in light work into the beginning part of the summer.  This fall when she let us know that she was not longer comfortable and happy, we let her go.
  • Work with Titus at the walk and trot.  Get him ready for walk/trot dressage this summer.  
    • Well, I got back on Titus, and we did some walk/trot work.  Unfortunately he didn't come back to the farm until it was much too late to think of any dressage shows this year.
  • Work with Twinkie both on the flat and over fences.  Get her going solidly under saddle.
    • I didn't really work with Twinks much over fences this year.  But she is going very, very well on the flat.  So I'm counting this as a success!
I'd have to say it was a pretty good year for accomplishing my goals.  Now time to think about 2012...