New Year, New Goals
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
After reviewing my goals a few days ago I starting thinking about my goals for this year. I feel like I have come so far in my riding the last few years and yet sometimes it feels like there is still so far to go. But I guess that's just how this sport goes. You are constantly learning. So without further ado, my 2012 goals
2012 Goals
- Once again my confidence issues are number one on my goals list. This is one of those things where I know I have made huge progress, But I still have that mental block in certain areas. So, we'll just keep chipping away at it.
- Work on First and Second Level Dressage with Bugsy. The jumping part is easy, I just have to point him at the fence and stay on. Dressage is the hard part, and I want to do it right.
- Ride a variety of horses-Naughtie, Airy, Twinkie, Mystic, Buddy, etc.
- Qualify for the AECs. Even if I can't afford to go, I at least want to be qualified.
- Use every opportunity I can to improve my riding and knowledge.
January/February Goals
- Work on laterals with Bugsy-leg yield, half pass, shoulder in, haunches in, etc.
- Work with Mystic to improve his suppleness and bending, get him responding to my leg and inside aids.
- Keep the ponies happy in the cold weather.
- Renew memberships-USEA, USEF and USDF.
- Plan a show schedule.
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