
Monday, November 22, 2010

I really hate not having regular access to the internet on the weekends.  Because of this, it wasn't until just today that I learned the news about Denali.  It really is heartbreaking that a final decision has been reached.  But as hard as this is for her mom, it's the right decision for Denali.  I've been following their blog for a while now, and you can really feel the love she has for Denali through her writing.  If you haven't already, stop by her blog and express your condolences.  Andrea over at Eventing-A-Gogo had a great idea.  She is collecting money to have a custom horsehair necklace made.  I can't really afford much, but I'm sending a couple of bucks to her.  Even if you can't spare much, send whatever you can.  I know we've never met each other, but after reading these blogs for so long you really do feel as though you know one another.

Go hug your horses.  You never know what tomorrow might bring.