This and That...
Monday, November 22, 2010
I know, I know. I've been terribly lax about updating. What can I say, I've been busy. Between working both jobs, NaNoWriMo writing and trying to squeeze in time with the ponies, well there's just not enough hours in the day.
Anyway, I had a good jumping lesson on Kaye a couple weeks ago. Bonnie had these triples set up across the diagonals, kind of like an x in the middle of the arena. That was pretty cool, Kaye and I actually didn't have any bad fences to start out with. Unfortunately we were riding with Katie and Mystic, and since Mystic is still pretty green, we were only jumping baby cross bars. That sucked, would have been a lot more fun to jump slightly bigger fences.
Then last week I didn't get to ride Kaye since all the kids ride her. But I did tack up Miss in the dressage saddle and took her out for some walking work. Miss has been chowing down on her grain the last few weeks, so unusual for her. So now that she putting some weight on, we need to get her to build up her muscles as well. I tried something a little different with her before our ride. I gave her a squirt of Albuteral before we headed out to the arena. And man did that make a difference. Her breathing was a little bit rumbly but she never coughed and she didn't start wheezing. And Miss loved it. We did a lot of walking on a loose rein, bending circles and all that. Then I would pick up the reins and collect her into a dressage frame for some leg yields and half passes and such. Then back to a loose rein for a bit and then some more collected work. All in all I rode her for about 45 minutes, and she was doing great. Ari and Sara both took lunge lessons on my pony. Ari has decided that she loves lunging on my horse. So she rode him a bit and then Sara took a turn. She wasn't sure about him at first, she hasn't been on anyone but Fanny since coming to Bonnie's, and he is a bit bigger. But after she took a couple of laps on him, she started to relax and then enjoy it a little more. After Sara finished I had Victoria lunge me a couple of times so Sara could see what she should be doing on the lunge, how to relax and sit the trot without a death grip on the saddle.
This past Saturday, I got to take a dressage lesson on Kaye. Which is fine with me, I really want to focus on dressage this winter. We got some good canter moments, plus some really good leg yields. So I was really pleased with that. After I rode Kaye, I tacked up Miss again and took her out for some more walking work. Once again I gave her some Albuteral before we rode, and she was great. She's really enjoying getting back into some work. I don't know if we'll ever be able to do anything more with her than just walking. But even if that's all she can do, I'm fine with that. At least she's still here with us. And still happy. And happy ponies make me happy. So I'll take it!
Good news is this is a short work week. At least at Pitt. Of course I'll still be working at Wal-Mart all weekend. But I'm off on Thanksgiving so I can head out to the barn in the morning. And I don't work till 6:00 PM on black friday, so unless Mom drags me out shopping, I'll be at the barn then too.
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