Gogo Fatale

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The equestrian community and the blogging community never cease to amaze me.  Close to 2 years ago I stumbled upon Andrea's blog and started to read all about her adventures with the amazingly talented and quirky Gogo.  I went back to the beginning and read everything.  I was inspired by Andrea's devotion to her horse.  Unfortunately I hadn't 'met' Andrea and Gogo until after her injury at the AECs so I never got to tag along on their eventing adventures.  But as I followed along through all the ups and downs of rehabbing the mare, it was obvious that Andrea would do anything for her. 

Yesterday, Andrea gave Gogo her final gift, a peaceful passing.  They had a beautiful last day together and in the end, it was quick and peaceful.  Andrea stayed by her sweet mare's side and truly did a selfless thing. 

Andrea, we share in your sorrow.  Thank you for taking us along for the Gogo ride.  She will be very much missed and remembered fondly by many.  Although not nearly as much as by you.  We are all here for you, we love you.  We look forward to being a part of your next adventure.