Back in the Saddle
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Well I finally made it back to the barn two weeks ago. And I actually got a ride on Kaye! Amazing. Bonnie gave me a short flatwork lesson in which it was painfully obvious that I cannot go that long without a lesson. My leg was horrible, I was tense, Kaye was tense. All around it was not pretty! But regardless it felt so good to ride her again. I also had a another good ride on Miss. She is definitely perking up and feeling good. The snow falling off the roof of the arena gave her just the excuse she needed to give a little spook. She humped her back, and bounced her hind legs in a little baby buck before breaking into a canter. I couldn't help but laugh at her, which made it a little hard to bring her back to the walk. I was just so happy that she was feeling good enough to even try to buck. Of course, being Miss, she really has no idea how to buck, but the thought was still there.
Unfortunately the next weekend it got very cold again, so that meant no barn. Boo! But I understand why Bonnie doesn't want to open the place up in that weather. I was able to get out again this past weekend though. I tacked Miss up first and took her out for a walk. So was feeling good again. And she is looking great! She's putting weight on, her ribs are completely covered. But I think I'm going to have to talk to Dr. Maro about getting some more albuterol for her. We're pretty much out of it now, and it really has helped her breathing. Then I got to hop on Kaye for a short lesson too. And this one went much better than the one two weeks before. I was much more relaxed and so she was much more relaxed. And we had some really good moments at the trot and canter. Really looking forward to riding more and getting ready for show season.
I talked to Bonnie about getting Twinkie's feet done so that I can start riding her again. Ari and I were talking a couple weeks ago and she mentioned that she would try riding Twinkie again after I had a little more. Twinkie really is a sweet horse, she doesn't do anything, but she's still just green. She doesn't really know what leg means yet, so she's a wiggle-worm all over the place. But she doesn't have a mean bone in her body. She'd never even dream of bucking or anything. I can get on her cold even when she hasn't been ridden in months, even if she hasn't be turned out in a while. She's just so laid back and calm. I'll lunge her more out of habit than any real need to do so. So I've got a call into Jamie, just waiting to hear back from him. X needs his shoes pulled and trimmed, and then Twinks can get done at the same time. I was thinking that maybe I would take Twinkie to a combined test or something at South Farm this spring, she how she would do in the very green division. Or maybe if we get her cantering I'll take her in baby beginner novice or even beginner novice. So we'll see.
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