Horse Junkies United

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I'm excited to announce the new adventure I've become involved with.  After the success of our ammie blogging at Rolex, the amazing Patricia from Ecogold started Horse Junkies United.  A new blog written by ammies, for ammies, united all aspects of english riding (eventing, hunter/jumper, dressage)  It's a great place for all of us ammie riders out there to connect.  We have a team of contributors, some of us contributing regularly, others on a more casual basis.  But we also want to hear from you!  That's what makes this site so great.  Talk to us, tell us about the show you went to this weekend.  Or the new horse you're training.  Share your stories!  And check back daily, we've got lots of cool stuff going up all the time.