Getting Better...
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Well things are looking up slightly from earlier in the week. Still really upset about not getting the job. But a few good rides on the Marsie have helped a lot. I went out to the barn again last night after work. I had a really good ride on Kaye. Work on some canter transitions, plus the counter canter work that's in the prelim tests. And then we worked on our laterals. I got a couple of really nice half passes. Woohoo!
Katie was out as well last night and we were talking about ways to raise money to buy the new truck and trailer we need. And we now have a plan. :) We're going to get Boyd Martin to come and give clinics at the farm. We'll charge people like $400 to ride with him. Plus we'll charge people to audit. Of course we'll fill the clinics because well he's Boyd Martin and people will come just to look at him. We'll have the money for a new truck in no time! Of course we don't have the money to pay him to come clinic, so I guess I'll have to take one for team and find something else for him in exchange. :)
So things are looking up, well at least I'm not on the verge of crying at work anymore. Hopefully the weekend will do more to improve my mood.
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