Jumping Helicopters

Monday, March 29, 2010

Kaye and I tried something new this weekend. Bonnie set up a helicopter fence. It's one that Lucinda Green uses in her clinics a lot. It's basically two fences set up to look like a plus sign if you looked at it from directly above. You jump it in the middle where the two poles cross. Of course I had some mental issues and we had a couple of stops first. But I tried again and we got over it. Then we jumped it from the other direction and didn't have any problems that way. So good ride.

I wasn't able to stay at the barn very long. Ethan's older brother had his Eagle Scout ceremony in the afternoon and Bonnie volunteered me to be the photographer. So I had to leave the barn about noon so I could go home and get cleaned up. I also had to make sure the camera was ready, battery charged and an empty memory card and all that. It was a nice ceremony at their church in Harmony. And there was good food, so really I didn't mind doing it all that much. I just hate that it cuts into my riding time.

After the Eagle Scout ceremony, I intended to run up to Best Buy. But before I went there I decided I was in the mood for a Black & White Frappalatte at the Beanery. So I headed into the mall for that. And of course I couldn't go to the mall without stopping by the bookstore to see who was working. That ended up being Pami and Matt. Which of course meant that I ended up spending my entire evening in the bookstore. It was good to see both of them and spend the evening catching up. I always really enjoyed working with Pami, we have always gotten along well and I really should make an effort to do something with her outside of the bookstore.

Sunday I was back to the barn. Tacked Naughtie up for Bonnie to ride first thing. And then I rode Kaye with Tricia and Pele. It was an okay ride. I mean I was pretty good with my position, but we were just jumping little stuff. Of course riding with Tricia we could only do little stuff. She's only been on Pele a handful of time since she had the baby and this was only her second time jumping since then. So not going to make her jump 3 foot fences. :)

In other news, Buddy shocked Sandie Sunday morning. He was out in his pasture and something must have scared him. And so he jumped the pasture fence to get back in his stall. Four and a half foot pasture fence. I always said Sandie should have let us take him prelim. :) Buddy was ok, a little off. But Sandie doesn't have much grass around the outside of her pastures, the gravel driveway pretty much is right up against the fence. So he's just a little sore from landing on the gravel. Otherwise he's just fine, didn't hit the fence at all.