Denny's Horsemanship Goals Part 2

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

21)  Whatever your sport, learn its history, riders, horses and traditions.
I do know some of this, but I'd like to know more.  And the winter months are the perfect time to do some reading.
22)  Learn how to properly lunge a horse.  Know all about the requisite equipment.
Check!  I know how to lunge both with tack and with a surcingle.

23)  Understand that becoming a top rider and getting a college education are not incompatible goals.
While not a top rider, I do have a college education.

24)  Become involved, either as a volunteer, or paid, in helping to run shows or events.  The perspective from the other side is very different.
Check!  I have volunteered at South Farm, and most likely will volunteer again this summer.

25)  Learn how to work horses in long lines.
I actually want to start working my horse in long lines.

26)  Try and get the chance to be a scribe for a dressage judge.
Done.  I scribed for a very nice German judge at the Northwest PA Arab show a couple of years ago.

27)  Realize that you have years to attain your goals.
As frustrating as it is sometimes, I do understand this.

28)  See if you can get a job on a real ranch, doing real cattle work, sometime while it's still possible.

29)  Ride your horse all night, from dusk till dawn.
I would love to do this sometime.

30)  Go swimming with your horse.
Again I would love to do this.

31)  Teach your horse to jump into water.

32)  Learn to drive a tractor.
Done!  Drive the tractor all the time.

33)  Help with haying.
Done!  I've helped with every aspect of haying.  Mowing, raking, teting, baling, and stacking in the hay loft.

34)  Try to spend time with an equine veterinarian.  Learn lots of basics, lameness, colic, wound care, as much as possible, because sometimes it's just you and the horse until the vet arrives.
I do know some basic vet care from my trainer.  Basic wound care, colic, lameness that sort of thing.  but I need to learn more.

35)  NEVER think some manual labor type of task is beneath you.  ALL the greatest horsemen and women have a towering work ethic.  They can do everything on a horse farm.
I have done just about everything on the farm, haying, cleaning stalls, taking down cobwebs, anything that needs done.

36)  Teach your green babies that the "Ditch Troll" doesn't really eat them for lunch!  But be ready for the gravity defying launch, just in case!
My pony is actually pretty good at jumping ditches sanely.  But I'll get to see how a baby does in another year or so with Titus.

37)  Unlike most addictions, tackaholism isn't bad for your health, just your wallet.  Learn all about tack, how it fits, how it works, what's essential, and what probably isn't.  Especially learn about saddle fit, both for your horse, and for you.
Tackaholics anonymous please!  I do know about a lot of the basic equipment, but I would like to learn more than just the basics of saddle fit.

38)  Become the best ATHLETE you can be.  Use all sports to jump start your physical fitness and drive.

39)  Make sure the goals and dreams you pursue are truly YOURS, and not those of the sometimes pushy/needy adults around you.

40)  Totally take apart a full bridle into its many parts, and put them on a table.  Now, wearing a blindfold, put it back together.
Hehehe, fun winter activity for the kids...