31DC: Day 10
Friday, December 10, 2010
A Place I've Traveled To
Well I haven't really traveled anywhere too exciting. Canada, Kentucky, Texas, that's about the extent of my travelling. But two years ago I did get to go down to visit Blair when she was living in Mobile, AL. I ended up flying into New Orleans as the ticket ended up being a bit cheaper than flying to Pensacola. Of course since Blair had to come pick me up there anyway we decided to spend the night and party on Bourbon Street.
Best decision ever! We had the best time there. Blair took me for my first hurricane at Pat O's
Which of course led to hurricanes number 2, 3 and 4. So that led to...
Drunk!Blair and Drunk!Jenna. Hey you only live once! We walked around Bourbon Street and the French Quarter for a while. Really just checking out all the shops and the sights. We saw these really cool "Living Statues"
After walking around for a while we headed back to our hotel and got ready for our night of partying. :) We went for a nice dinner and then headed back to Bourbon Street. We kinda just wandered for a while. Hit whatever bars spiked our interest. Until we came to a bar we had seen earlier in the day.
That place was so much fun! They had a small stage and a couple of well, "DJ"s for lack of a better word. They would sing along with the music and really interact with the crowd. And well it didn't hurt that the guys was really hot!
Yummy! All in all the trip was so great. Blair and I got to explore such an interesting area and I got to spend some serious best friend time together.
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